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New Trees at the Field!

By Joe Cordo , 08/23/22, 10:00AM MDT


Good news and bad news.

I hope everyone had a great summer and has settled into the new school year. 

We wanted to let everyone know what we have been up to this summer.  Here is the good news. We have been working hard on field improvements and finally received the OK to plant 5 new trees at Eaton Field.  This has been a wish list item for many years and thanks to Coach DiGio and his persistence the district has approved the Diamond Club to plant 5 Maple Blaze trees at the field!  If you’ve ever needed to get approval from a state agency you know how many hoops, he has jumped through to make this happen. Not only will this add aesthetics to the field but also much needed shade and wind cover. I’m more than excited about this and would plant them tomorrow if I could. We will also be installing sprinkler lines to each tree so they can be watered through the spring and summer.

As for the bad news, here is the dilemma, the district turns off the water in Oct. and doesn’t turn it back on until April. We would not even have access to a hose. It is critical for the new trees to get 20 gals of water per week until they establish roots.  According to the specialist at the nursery Colorado DOES NOT receive enough moisture throughout the winter to maintain the trees. To get water to the trees we will be purchasing 20 gal water bags for each tree. Here is our issue. Where do we get the water to fill the water bags? Everything is shut off for the winter at the school. 100 gals of water is a lot and it’s very heavy. The idea we came up with and the reason for this email is to ask if each family would be willing to figure out a way to get the water to the water bags this winter? We would put together a signup genius and each family will need to bring water to a tree/s when it is their week. Each tree will have its own number assigned and parents will need to select the tree/s they are willing to help with and the week they can help. If you are only able to bring enough water for one tree that’s fine. Only sign up for what your family can do. This is going to take a HUGE team effort and we WILL NOT move forward with trees until we get a 90% participation from parents. This is an investment I think will pay off  if we can work together to make this happen.  We are open to suggestion but not if your suggestions puts more work on us. We have enough on our plates with the upcoming season.  If you have additional idea and are willing to help implement them please let us know.  If you have access to a watering truck or equipment that may help, please let us know.

We have created a poll to see how many families are willing to help. Click HERE to take the poll . PLEASE fill this out so we know if we are moving forward with planting the trees. We will be closing the poll this Thursday at 5 pm and will send an email later this week to let you know what the final decision is.

Have a great week!